On the night of Sept. 25, b-day wishes started to register in my cellphone and it is also the start of rainfall brought by " Ondoy". I came from the Closing ceremonies of Medicine week at Manila Ocean Park and on our way home, two patients called and are both in labor. My friends in the van that time started to throw jokes on me! Wow Jho blessings! you have patients on your b-day and these rains really means blessings pouring out!
I don't know if i'm just tired from a week long activities of the Medicine week, without mentioning the nightly dance practices for he MVMS anniversary, because I don't feel excited with my b-day at all. So straight from Ocean park, I went to the hospital to deliver the first patient and since the other one is still in early labor, I decided to go home first to get some nap. I had a very shallow sleep and I can feel that the rains does'nt stop and is getting really strong. In the morning (Sept. 26, my b-day) I decided to go back to the hospital to monitor my patient but halfway along our street, people stopped us since the flood waters is already waist deep and our vehicle is impossible to get through. So I called up the Resident on duty that time to call other doctor that could attend to my patient since its impossible for me to come.
Another thing that really brought so much worry for that time is that my son Leigh is not home yet from an overnight stay with a classmate in Montalban. I've been trying to call him but its hard to get through, he texted me and said that someone already took care of them, I replied "where?" and he said, in a church in San Mateo. So I adviced him to stay where he is if its safe there, but after that message, i was'nt able to get any info fr. him anymore.
The rain has'nt stopped and based from what I heard from our car radio(since the electricity is off already) the flood water is getting high and almost all parts of Marikina has turned into a body of water. I started to feel the panic, distress and is desperate over things that I can't do anything.
The hospital again called and said the patient is already in pain, 6-7 cms., still no doctor is available because this time all phone lines are busted and all networks are off. I decided to wade the floodwater and will walk my way to the hospital (abt. 5 kms. fr. my place), my husband and my son Lj said that they will assist me, clad in shorts, rubber shoes and shirt, I placed my scrub suit, cellphone and other stuff in a backpack and secured in a plastic bag to prevent it from getting wet. Levi tied a rope around my waist connected to both of them, then we started to wade the flood waters, its really hard to walk in waters ( now breast deep) because you have to counteract the force of water not to mention the current. We did'nt bother with the debris, dead animals, crude oil, snake,centipede and all the other garbage floating in waters, all I wanted that time is to get to the hospital and attend to my patient.
When we reached the gate of the subdivision, I noticed that the water is already neck deep, since I know the place, I stayed in the walkway since its at least 3 inches shallower. However, when we reached the Robinson's Supermarket I started to walk on tiptoe and I can already taste the water, what I did was to hold on the stalled cars and tried to swim to reach the building where at least we have something to hold on to. There's a Call center beside the mall, we went inside and climb the stairs where there are also stranded people.
I decided not to proceed anymore because it came to my mind that I would be bringing not only my life to risk but also my husband and son as well. As I stayed for a while in that stairs, I took my phone and called the hospital, telling them that I really tried to come but the situation doesn't permit me. One message from my daughter Jay came in, that says to call the house as soon as we reach the hospital, be safe and that she loves us. I felt the guilt of putting my family's life at risk, so I decided to go back home. Levi and I saw so many people submerged in waters, already feeling so cold, hungry and tired, since they've been there since morning. We persuaded them to come with us in our place because it would be safer there, about 25 men came with us, together we stormed the waters, hand in hand, with a stronger current this time and level higher, but at least I know that it will be shallower as we reach home.
It's around 6 pm, and already dark when we reached home and this time, the water is inside the house. I told the people to wash off and I look for shirts and shorts for them to change into dry clothing. My son LJ cooked all the available noodles, egg and rice and feed them. After that, they sat in the stairs and tried to rest. At 9 pm, the rain stopped and I prayed to God not to let the rain pour again. I also prayed non stopped to take care of my son Leigh whom I don't have any communications anymore and to take care of my patient in the hosp. My patient is already fully dilated at around 5 pm and up to this moment has'nt deliverd yet, where in normal circumstances should have been delivered hours ago.
I felt so helpless and desperate , I just prayed and left everything to God. One thirty in the morning, I noticed the water inside the house have subsided, and I presumed that water in the street must have gone lower, so I decided to wade the flood waters again. People inside the house volunteered to guide me and help and they did, together with my son Lj.
I'm determined to get through this time and was successful after an hour of walking and running whenever possible. Luckily, this time I was able to contact Dr. Caballa to assist me and to give the Anesthesia. I didn't bring anything with me, except my cellphone that is wrapped in a plastic to prevent it from getting wet. As I reached the hospital, I'm soaking wet, up to the neck, and not just wet because my green shirt turned into brown and I really stink. I washed off quickly with soap and water and put on the oversized scrub suit from the hospital and mind you, without any underwear on! Chucks!
I did the Emergency CS in no time and THANK GOD! Mommy Ester gave birth to a healthy and very pretty baby girl! I named her ONDAY! One worry down! I still have to check on my son Leigh. I called the house if there is any news regarding him, and THANK GOD AGAIN! my daughter Julliene informed me that he was home at 3 the morning after wading the flood waters also. What a relief!! GOD never left me. This is one kind of a birthday that I can never forget!
But my story never ends here! events came one after the other up to this moment that I'm writing this blog. And Ondoy is the culprit. Until next time.
Jo Olviz Carungay