CHEERS to the CIA (rerum internarum) for a job well done!
August 23, 1986, Saturday, 9:00 AM, marked the traditional MEDICUS Sports fest which was participated by both the old and the new dedicated members of the Organization.... Another way of organizing themselves into a more cohesive group. Among those present was the original Magister Totus himself, Angel Araneta who brought along his MEDICUS Daughter, Patricia, with him.
Games like the obstacle relay, breaking the egg, 100 meter dash, marathon, Tug O' war summed up both fun and excitement truly enjoyed by everyone. Results showed the RED team being the over all winner, followed by the BLACK and the WHITE teams as second and third, respectively. Trophies were awarded to the respective winners during the Foundation Night held at the Hyatt Regency last August 30, 1986.
At this point, we wish to thank all the members of the CIA for the success of the sports fest. It was indeed, a job well-done; and to the winners, Congratulations to you all. See you next sports fest!
by: Rochie Marcelo
(it happened 22 years ago. the write up was writen by our Sis Rochie Marcelo and published in our NEWSLETTER of 1986. the picture was taken by Arnel Bondoc standing on the roof outside of the AV Patho room, he went through the window. a security guard saw him and brought him down. there were more members that day but not everyone end up in the picture. these were the shy members who managed to be there at the right moment. there was no picture on the NEWSLETTER. i just combined the two. you will note on the picture that Angel Araneta was carrying his angel. agp 107)