We remember Butch Castillo on his birthday. He is one of the 13 founding members of our beloved fraternity. He was the first MI of the fraternity. I was not there when it happened but someone told me that he died trying to be of use to his community and society. He was trying to mediate between two people who were fighting and ended up being stab in the process. He gave his life for people who probably doesn't know who he is and they do not care.
I remember seeing Butch for the first time during my 1st semester at MCU in 1984 (tagal na nito, tanda na pala ni Butch ngayon) at the Medicine Library. He was there looking for Journals as resource, to do a paper for a presentation. He was an Ortho resident then at Philippine Orthopedic. I approached him, to asked for his signature. He asked me, how do I know it was him and that I am bothering him. He gave me a hard time, for that signature. I guess that is the reason why I could not forget that day and Butch (I was there waiting and following him for 2 hours, carrying the Journals that he wanted). When I became a full pledge member, he was also the first to congratulate me. He told me then, that because of that situation, I would always remember him.
I ended up as an internal, also ended up at ortho doing my residency. I guess that without consciously knowing it, I try to follow in his footsteps. Butch gave tough love (found it out during some of our activities, tinuruan niya ako kung paano tumayo ng maayos sa aking mga paa at balansehin ang katawan). But he is a brother what ever the situation is, he will always be there for you. He looks tough but he is probaly the most clearheaded and always mediate to talk out problems, not fight over it.
Wherever you are Butch, HAPPY BIRTHDAY from your brods and sis (sagot mo na lang tagay ko diyan, saan man kayo umiinom nila Ricky, Ronald at Carrie ayaw ko munang sumama sa inyo).
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