I could not remember the year but it was back in the early 90's when this picture was taken. I was 80 pounds lighter then. The air was cool and there were festivities everywhere, and so are we. It was the induction of incoming officers of MEDICUS (i think, if my Alzheimer's brain is not misleading me). As usual due to budgetary constraints it becomes a problem where to hold the induction. Good for MEDICUS our brod Dino offers his place, it was in Fort Bonifacio.
Air soft was just gaining grounds in the Philippines then, and Dino had a Beretta 93R pistol that was always with him (shooting his batchmates when ever someone gets off from the car in rapid fire). Curious in what we can find at Dino's house at Fort Bonifacio we decide to ransack the place, like kids on an Easter egg hunt. These kids ended with these arms in our arms and decided to pose for the camera.
This was the good times that I was with ANIMO AB INITIO (273.Arsenio D. ALCANTARA 274.Arman D. ARQUILLANO 275.Johnel M. CANDAVA 276.Dennil P. DELA PAZ 277.Victorino T. DE LOS REYES 278.Orrick Vicente D. FELIX 279.Dino Anthony P. FLORES 280.Alberto D.J. GABRIEL 281.Aldrin B. INDANAN 282.Jesson Q. MEGINO 283.Omar S. NASRALLA 284.Robert Neil V. RANGEL 285.Allan P. TUPONG), with laughter and friendship given to someone who just crashed in to a party. Accepting an older brother and sister (archipips, holding an M16, looking mean) that they never met.
I remember Johnel then, he was young like his batch mates and me. He was quiet and ready with a smirk or a smile on his face. He seldom make noise but ready to give a hand when needed. Now, he needs our help. Being brods and sis that we are, it is our duty to do so. Johnel did not asked us for help, but we know he needs it. I think we do not have to think if it should be given. Cesar wrote in his email that "It is an obligation on my part to help a brod or a sis who is in need of my help". Like Cesar I also believe that it is my obligation as a brod to do so. I hope that all of us feels the same, and will do our best to help a brod in need. Johnel might not have a blood relation to me or to us, but he is part of my family and our family.
April 14 is fast approaching and Johnel's situation cannot wait. Easter is fast approaching and this is our cross to bear. Our prayers (to what ever or to who ever you pray) during this season can help Johnel, but more so if we can help financially.
To those who could and would, In behalf of Johnel, from the bottom of my fatty liver.
(GOD, Jehovah, Allah, Yahweh, Buddha, Osiris, RA, The Force, etc will remember what you did)
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