Summer is over and here comes typhoon, flood season and another school year. Students from all over the country will be flooding in to Metro Manila to seek their foundation of knowledge. A foundation that apparently will bring them a better understanding and a better chance for the future. The freshman are coming in to a new life in college. Those who were freshman before were back for more as sophomores. This time to a few more years to finish their studies or to a higher education, perhaps in the world of Medicine.
At MCU Caloocan campus, the first year medicine students will be coming in and introduced to a life of endless reading, carcass exploration, and everyday examinations. You will see new faces, that may turn out to be your seatmate/cheat mate and introduced yourself to new friends. You will be oriented to new buildings, new times schedules and new routines. For the next few weeks life will be something new. You may find yourself in a new place to sleep in, in a new bed or an old bed in a new place. You will wonder where would you eat next, or find where the cheapest place to eat. You do not know the place and at a lost to where to go next. Such is the life of a freshman student.
I find myself in this same situation back when I was a freshman at MCU. I wonder what would it be like for the next few weeks. Who would I meet and who would be my friends to help me out. Then a few students who where in MCU before tuck me under their wings. I remember a few faces from my previous school but they were in a different section, so different time schedule. After our orientation I met Allen, Edwin and Vic from my section, they were from the same campus before and knows the in and out of the campus. We ate lunch together and I found out they were applying to an organization that they know where the best in school.
The following day some members of the Medicine Student Council came and welcome us to the school and into our new life, as medical students. Lockers for the students were applied for and awarded by the Student Council. That afternoon, I found myself seating in a cramped room with a lot of freshman students attending an orientation and welcomed by the foremost school organization MEDICI OMNES DUCIENS. A lot of students were very enthusiastic about it. I, on the other hand does not even had an idea what it is. It is a student organization that I am for sure, but rumour abound that it is a fraternity or sorority of some sort.
Everywhere I go I saw the organizations name. From room numbers to classroom clocks, to labels on the rooms. The dean always mentions this organizations name as an organization to look to if a project needs to be done. You will notice that its members were very close to each, unlike other school organizations that members seems to be just a passing acquaintance to each other.
Friday was the orientation of the group and I ended up sitting inside the room and so was almost every freshman. I signed up and together with one 2nd year there were 25 males students and 12 female students. After a few weeks, me and 35 other members finished our probationary period. After knowing all of them and spending time with them amidst storms, floods and security guards, being a MEDICI OMNES DUCIENS member is one of the best choice I ever made during my freshman period. The best time I ever had. When the probationary period was over we even pretend that it is not over. We enjoy the journey and the ride was ecstatic and outright funny.
Now it is that season again and I hope the freshman will make the same decision that I made. I also hope that they enjoy the journey what ever it would be.