Friday, December 24, 2010


Christmas, also referred to as Christmas Day or Christmastide, is an annual holiday celebrated on December 25 that marks and honors the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. His birth, which is the basis for the Anno Domini system of dating, has been determined by modern historians as having occurred between 7 and 2 BC. The date of celebration is not thought to be Jesus' actual date of birth. It may have been chosen to coincide with the winter solstice, which the ancient Romans celebrated on December 25.

Modern customs of the holiday include gift-giving, church celebrations, and the display of various decorations—including the Christmas tree, lights, mistletoe, nativity scenes and holly. Santa Claus (also referred to as Father Christmas, although the two figures have different origins) is a popular mythological figure often associated with bringing gifts at Christmas. Santa is generally believed to be the result of a syncretization between St. Nicholas of Myra and elements from pagan Nordic and Christian mythology, and his modern appearance is believed to have originated in 19th century media.
For many centuries, Christian writers accepted that Christmas was the actual date on which Jesus was born. In the early eighteenth century, scholars began proposing alternative explanations. Isaac Newton argued that the date of Christmas was selected to correspond with the winter solstice, which in ancient times was marked on December 25. In 1743, German Protestant Paul Ernst Jablonski argued Christmas was placed on December 25 to correspond with the Roman solar holiday Dies Natalis Solis Invicti and was therefore a "paganization" that debased the true church. In 1889, Louis Duchesne suggested that the date of Christmas was calculated as nine months after March 25, the traditional date of the conception of Jesus. On the Roman calendar, March 25 was the date of the spring equinox. In modern times, it is celebrated as Annunciation.
The earliest reference to the celebration of the nativity on December 25 is found in the Chronography of 354, an illuminated manuscript compiled in Rome in 354. In the East, early Christians celebrated the birth of Christ as part of Epiphany (January 6), although this festival focused on the baptism of Jesus. Christmas was promoted in the Christian East as part of the revival of Catholicism following the death of the pro-Arian Emperor Valens at the Battle of Adrianople in 378. The feast was introduced to Constantinople in 379, and to Antioch in about 380. The feast disappeared after Gregory of Nazianzus resigned as bishop in 381, although it was reintroduced by John Chrysostom in about 400.

The Twelve Days of Christmas, and the associated evenings of those twelve days (Twelve-tide), are the festive days beginning the evening of Christmas Day (December 25) through the morning of Epiphany (January 6). The associated evenings of the twelve days begin on the evening before the specified day. Thus, the first night of Christmas is December 25–26, and Twelfth Night is January 5–6. This period is also known as Christmastide. December 26 is St. Stephen's Day and January 6 is Feast of Epiphany This period encompasses the major feasts surrounding the birth of Christ. In the Latin Rite, one week after Christmas Day, January 1, has traditionally been the celebration the Feast of the Naming and Circumcision of Christ, but since Vatican II, this feast has been celebrated as the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I am what I am: 1st Version

I may not have the eloquence of Angel Araneta
I may not be the composer like Butch Castillo
I may not urinate as farther to the wall as Butch Tiongson
I may not be as tall as Smiley Tan
I may not be as cute as Jojo Blanco
I may not be as slang as Resty Ruiz
I may not be as lucky as Bobby Enriquez
I may not be as hypertensive (kuno) as Spike Ignacio
I may not be as dark as Rodolfo Joaquin
I may not be as skinny as Elvis Verso
I may not be as womanizer as Ricky dela Cruz
I may not be expectant as Ronald Ramirez
I may not be limping as Alex Pineda
I may not have the 9 fingers of Elmo Isip
I may not have the voice of Jun Tagorda
I may not have the car of Michael Yatco
I may not have the fistula of Goody Viana
I may not have the myesthenia gravis of Rey Gutierez
I am what I am.
author: unknown medicus member
(taken from our MEDICUS NEWSLETTER published 1988)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Final Acceptance

"Fortuna Favet Fortibus"
(fortune favors the bold)

with the alumni and active members on their Final Acceptance Party

the beautiful ladies of the batch

Daniel, Raf, Mel, Jawo, Mak, Jim, Athan, Rojo, Elmer, Mike, Ernest, Kevs, Bry, Marc, Pau, RJ, Glenn, Kim, Kuting, Doris, Janel, Jola, Arah, Bea, Xiana, and Sher.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

U R Invited

September 18, 2010, Saturday
OPAL Function Room, 3rd Floor Diamond Hotel ,
Roxas Blvd corn Dr. J Quintos St., Manila

Monday, August 30, 2010


to our new brothers and sisters
from BATCH

"Fortuna Fabet Fortibus"

448. Daniel AZURIN Jr.
449. Rafael DIEGO
451. Pacifico GINES III
452. Mark Daniel LEYNES
453. James Angelo MORTEL
454. Jonathan David NAMAY
455. Rojo Guerrero PADILLA
456. Elmer Smith PALONPON
457. Michael Nevenilius PEREZ
458. Ernesto PIGUING Jr.
459. Kevin Carlo RAMAJO
460. Bryanter REYES
461. Marc SABADAO
462. Gene Paulo SOLANO
463. Ryan Josef TUAZON
464. Glenn Nathaniel VALLOSO
465. Liberty Kimberly CARBONELL
466. Julliene Lorenz CARUNGAY
467. Rhodora CRUZ
468. Janelinne GOMEZ
469. Joahnne LAPORGA
470. Sarah MONDARES
471. Isabelle RODRIGUEZ
472. Christiana TABLANTE
473. Sherwin AGUSTIN
brothers and sisters
to our family

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sportsfest Open Medicus Week Celebration (1986)

CHEERS to the CIA (rerum internarum) for a job well done!

August 23, 1986, Saturday, 9:00 AM, marked the traditional MEDICUS Sports fest which was participated by both the old and the new dedicated members of the Organization.... Another way of organizing themselves into a more cohesive group. Among those present was the original Magister Totus himself, Angel Araneta who brought along his MEDICUS Daughter, Patricia, with him.

Games like the obstacle relay, breaking the egg, 100 meter dash, marathon, Tug O' war summed up both fun and excitement truly enjoyed by everyone. Results showed the RED team being the over all winner, followed by the BLACK and the WHITE teams as second and third, respectively. Trophies were awarded to the respective winners during the Foundation Night held at the Hyatt Regency last August 30, 1986.

At this point, we wish to thank all the members of the CIA for the success of the sports fest. It was indeed, a job well-done; and to the winners, Congratulations to you all. See you next sports fest!

by: Rochie Marcelo
(it happened 22 years ago. the write up was writen by our Sis Rochie Marcelo and published in our NEWSLETTER of 1986. the picture was taken by Arnel Bondoc standing on the roof outside of the AV Patho room, he went through the window. a security guard saw him and brought him down. there were more members that day but not everyone end up in the picture. these were the shy members who managed to be there at the right moment. there was no picture on the NEWSLETTER. i just combined the two. you will note on the picture that Angel Araneta was carrying his angel. agp 107)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010



Djhoana Jet E. Siao MD

for being recognized as one of the newest surgeon by the

Philippine Society of General Surgeons

she was sworn in this August

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It is that time of the year again

Summer is over and here comes typhoon, flood season and another school year. Students from all over the country will be flooding in to Metro Manila to seek their foundation of knowledge. A foundation that apparently will bring them a better understanding and a better chance for the future. The freshman are coming in to a new life in college. Those who were freshman before were back for more as sophomores. This time to a few more years to finish their studies or to a higher education, perhaps in the world of Medicine.

At MCU Caloocan campus, the first year medicine students will be coming in and introduced to a life of endless reading, carcass exploration, and everyday examinations. You will see new faces, that may turn out to be your seatmate/cheat mate and introduced yourself to new friends. You will be oriented to new buildings, new times schedules and new routines. For the next few weeks life will be something new. You may find yourself in a new place to sleep in, in a new bed or an old bed in a new place. You will wonder where would you eat next, or find where the cheapest place to eat. You do not know the place and at a lost to where to go next. Such is the life of a freshman student.

I find myself in this same situation back when I was a freshman at MCU. I wonder what would it be like for the next few weeks. Who would I meet and who would be my friends to help me out. Then a few students who where in MCU before tuck me under their wings. I remember a few faces from my previous school but they were in a different section, so different time schedule. After our orientation I met Allen, Edwin and Vic from my section, they were from the same campus before and knows the in and out of the campus. We ate lunch together and I found out they were applying to an organization that they know where the best in school.

The following day some members of the Medicine Student Council came and welcome us to the school and into our new life, as medical students. Lockers for the students were applied for and awarded by the Student Council. That afternoon, I found myself seating in a cramped room with a lot of freshman students attending an orientation and welcomed by the foremost school organization MEDICI OMNES DUCIENS. A lot of students were very enthusiastic about it. I, on the other hand does not even had an idea what it is. It is a student organization that I am for sure, but rumour abound that it is a fraternity or sorority of some sort.

Everywhere I go I saw the organizations name. From room numbers to classroom clocks, to labels on the rooms. The dean always mentions this organizations name as an organization to look to if a project needs to be done. You will notice that its members were very close to each, unlike other school organizations that members seems to be just a passing acquaintance to each other.

Friday was the orientation of the group and I ended up sitting inside the room and so was almost every freshman. I signed up and together with one 2nd year there were 25 males students and 12 female students. After a few weeks, me and 35 other members finished our probationary period. After knowing all of them and spending time with them amidst storms, floods and security guards, being a MEDICI OMNES DUCIENS member is one of the best choice I ever made during my freshman period. The best time I ever had. When the probationary period was over we even pretend that it is not over. We enjoy the journey and the ride was ecstatic and outright funny.

Now it is that season again and I hope the freshman will make the same decision that I made. I also hope that they enjoy the journey what ever it would be.


Monday, May 24, 2010

In Memoriam

In remembrance of the passing of Dr Molejon one of our best adviser.
We always remember

IN 2008 I got this message from Robin,

This is to inform you that one of our great adviser/professor Dr Florencio Molejon passed away. A memorial service was held May 23 at the Arlington Chapel in Araneta Avenue Quezon City. Robin

We mourn the passing of Dr Florecio A. Molejon, our mentor, professor, and friend. He is our adviser since the beginning of MEDICI OMNES DUCIENS. He is an avid supporter of MEDICUS since its inception by the founding members. Critical support was given by Dr Molejon during the time that MCU could not understand why there is a need for MEDICUS within the University. On this picture which was taken sometime between 1985 - 1986. He was with the active members of that time (Ne Plus Ultra and Esprit De Corps), a picture for posterity. He was on the extreme left and looking very young, just like the rest of the group. He may not have passed our ceremonies but Dr Molejon is a MEDICUS at heart, mind, and ways.

On the 2nd Foundation Anniversary of Medici Omnes Duciens, Dr Molejon is the only senior adviser.

He gave this message to MEDICUS on this occasion on September 1, 1984.

I wish to extend my greetings to the officers and members of the MEDICI OMNES DUCIENS on the occasion of its 2nd Foundation Anniversary.
It is indeed a great pleasure and privilege to be with the organization, believing that it is instrumental in fostering camaraderie among medical students and enhancing a healthy University atmosphere.
Towards the realization of our goal, a concerted effort among all members is needed and the organization to uphold its constitution and by-laws.
Florencio A. Molejon MD
Senior Adviser
agp 107

Thursday, May 20, 2010

To The Seekers Of Truth

To the seekers of truth the Buddha says:

"Do not accept anything on (mere) hearsay -- (i.e., thinking that thus have we heard it for a long time). Do not accept anything by mere tradition -- (i.e., thinking that it has thus been handed down through many generations). Do not accept anything on account of mere rumors -- (i.e., by believing what others say without any investigation). Do not accept anything just because it accords with your scriptures. Do not accept anything by mere suppositions. Do not accept anything by mere inference. Do not accept anything by merely considering the reasons. Do not accept anything merely because it agrees with your pre-conceived notions. Do not accept anything merely because it seems acceptable -- (i.e., thinking that as the speaker seems to be a good person his words should be accepted). Do not accept anything thinking that the ascetic is respected by us (therefore it is right to accept his word).

"But when you know for yourselves -- these things are immoral, these things are blameworthy, these things are censured by the wise, these things, when performed and undertaken conduce to ruin and sorrow -- then indeed do you reject them.

"When you know for yourselves -- these things are moral, these things are blameless, these things are praised by the wise, these things, when performed and undertaken, conduce to well-being and happiness -- then do you live acting accordingly."

Note: Buddhism is neither a religion in the sense in which that word is commonly understood, for it is not "a system of faith and worship owing any allegiance to a supernatural being."

Buddhism in an Nutshel by Narada Thera

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We Remember . . .

We remember Butch Castillo on his birthday. He is one of the 13 founding members of our beloved fraternity. He was the first MI of the fraternity. I was not there when it happened but someone told me that he died trying to be of use to his community and society. He was trying to mediate between two people who were fighting and ended up being stab in the process. He gave his life for people who probably doesn't know who he is and they do not care.
I remember seeing Butch for the first time during my 1st semester at MCU in 1984 (tagal na nito, tanda na pala ni Butch ngayon) at the Medicine Library. He was there looking for Journals as resource, to do a paper for a presentation. He was an Ortho resident then at Philippine Orthopedic. I approached him, to asked for his signature. He asked me, how do I know it was him and that I am bothering him. He gave me a hard time, for that signature. I guess that is the reason why I could not forget that day and Butch (I was there waiting and following him for 2 hours, carrying the Journals that he wanted). When I became a full pledge member, he was also the first to congratulate me. He told me then, that because of that situation, I would always remember him.
I ended up as an internal, also ended up at ortho doing my residency. I guess that without consciously knowing it, I try to follow in his footsteps. Butch gave tough love (found it out during some of our activities, tinuruan niya ako kung paano tumayo ng maayos sa aking mga paa at balansehin ang katawan). But he is a brother what ever the situation is, he will always be there for you. He looks tough but he is probaly the most clearheaded and always mediate to talk out problems, not fight over it.
Wherever you are Butch, HAPPY BIRTHDAY from your brods and sis (sagot mo na lang tagay ko diyan, saan man kayo umiinom nila Ricky, Ronald at Carrie ayaw ko munang sumama sa inyo).

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mothers Day 2010

The practice of celebrating Mother's Day is a relatively recent tradition, first established in the U.S.A. in the early 20th century. It should not be confused with other pagan and Christian traditions honoring mothers, or with the U.K. holiday, Mothering Sunday, which is also known as Mother's Day and dates back to the 16th century.

The majority of countries that celebrate Mother's Day do so on the second Sunday of May. On this day, it is common for Mothers to be lavished with presents and special attention from their families, friends and loved ones. But it hasn’t always been this way.

Only recently dubbed “Mother's Day,” the highly traditional practice of honoring of Motherhood is rooted in antiquity, and past rites typically had strong symbolic and spiritual overtones; societies tended to celebrate Goddesses and symbols rather than actual Mothers. In fact, the personal, human touch to Mother’s Day is a relatively new phenomenon. The maternal objects of adoration ranged from mythological female deities to the Christian Church itself. Only in the past few centuries did celebrations of Motherhood develop a decidedly human focus.

The first North American Mother’s Day was conceptualized with Julia Ward Howe’s Mother’s Day Proclamation in 1870. Despite having penned The Battle Hymn of the Republic 12 years earlier, Howe had become so distraught by the death and carnage of the Civil War that she called on Mother’s to come together and protest what she saw as the futility of their Sons killing the Sons of other Mothers. With the following, she called for an international Mother's Day celebrating peace and motherhood:
Arise, then, women of this day!
Arise all women who have hearts,
Whether your baptism be that of water or of tears
Say firmly:
We will not have great questions decided by irrelevant agencies,
Our husbands shall not come to us reeking of carnage,
For caresses and applause.
Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn
All that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience.
"We women of one country
Will be too tender of those of another country
To allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs."
From the bosom of the devastated earth a voice goes up with Our own.
It says, "Disarm, Disarm!
"The sword of murder is not the balance of justice!
Blood does not wipe out dishonor
Nor violence indicate possession.
As men have of ten forsaken the plow and the anvil at the summons of war.
Let women now leave all that may be left of home
For a great and earnest day of counsel.
Let them meet first, as women, to bewail and commemorate the dead.
Let them then solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means
Whereby the great human family can live in peace,
Each bearing after his own time the sacred impress, not of Caesar,
But of God.
In the name of womanhood and humanity, I earnestly ask
That a general congress of women without limit of nationality
May be appointed and held at some place deemed most convenient
And at the earliest period consistent with its objects
To promote the alliance of the different nationalities,
The amicable settlement of international questions.
The great and general interests of peace.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Easter (Ä’ostre, Old English); Greek: Πάσχα Paskha, from Hebrew: פֶּסַ×— Pesakh,) is the central religious feast in the Christian liturgical year. According to Christian scripture, Jesus was resurrected from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion. Some Christians celebrate this resurrection on Easter Day or Easter Sunday (also Resurrection Day or Resurrection Sunday), two days after Good Friday and three days after Maundy Thursday. The chronology of his death and resurrection is variously interpreted to be between AD 26 and AD 36. Easter also refers to the season of the church year called Eastertide or the Easter Season. Traditionally the Easter Season lasted for the forty days from Easter Day until Ascension Day but now officially lasts for the fifty days until Pentecost. The first week of the Easter Season is known as Easter Week or the Octave of Easter. Easter also marks the end of Lent, a season of fasting, prayer, and penance.

Easter is a moveable feast, meaning it is not fixed in relation to the civil calendar. The First Council of Nicaea (325) established the date of Easter as the first Sunday after the full moon (the Paschal Full Moon) following the vernal equinox. Ecclesiastically, the equinox is reckoned to be on March 21 (regardless of the astronomically correct date), and the "Full Moon" is not necessarily the astronomically correct date. The date of Easter therefore varies between March 22 and April 25. Eastern Christianity bases its calculations on the Julian Calendar whose March 21 corresponds, during the twenty-first century, to April 3 in the Gregorian Calendar, in which calendar their celebration of Easter therefore varies between April 4 and May 8.

Easter is linked to the Jewish Passover by much of its symbolism, as well as by its position in the calendar. In most European languages the feast called Easter in English is termed by the words for passover in those languages and in the older English versions of the Bible the term Easter was the term used to translate passover.
HAPPY EASTER Brothers and Sisters

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Temecula 2009 I

A Dum Spiro Spero (Chi Juico) and A Vincula Concordia (Alex Pineda)

A Dum Spiro Spero mother, looks like a little Chi. She must have looked like her daughter at the same age.

Temecula, California 5/30/2009

Monday, February 1, 2010

We Remember: Carrie

It never occurs to me that our brod Ricky and our sis Carrie's birthday was only a couple of days in between. That was, until I post the January birthday celebrants and the February celebrants.

We remember Carrie on her birthday, we celebrate her life and will always remember her living that life.

I will always remember that day that Carrie was taken from us by a freak accident along North Luzon expressway. She was at Angeles Pampanga then, and on her way to a MEDICUS meeting that friday. She was in a hurry and he got on the 1st bus that comes her way (for she does not want to be late). She never made it to the meeting. When the meeting was over that night and it was time to leave (and since I was at the door), I was the first one to open the door to the meeting room. But something was holding the door and would not budge. I could not open the door, it is not locked but somehow I just can't open it. When I turned away since I could not open the door, one of our sis just grab the handle and open it without any problem (I thought that perhaps Carrie is trying to stop us from leaving since she's not there yet). On our way out of MCU, we heard that there was a terrible accident along NLEx and that several people died on the spot. The bus was trying to save time and was speeding according to a report. It hit a parked dump truck while overtaking on the off ramp (it was later said that, the bus lost its break and swerve trying to avoid an accident). Our sis was siting on the oposite side of the driver and she lost her life on the spot.

This is not a horror story. I just wanted to tell Carrie's story, for I felt that it is my obligation to do so. I want to remember that Carrie died being a MEDICUS trying to get into a meeting although she does not need to, at that time. Carrie was our first member that left this world and is not coming back, and she left us as a MEDICUS through and through.

Where ever you are sis, HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!

We love you and we will always remember, how you loved us back.

(picture from Eric Cruz)

Friday, January 29, 2010

We Remember RICKY

We remember our brother RICKY CASIPIT on his birthday. We may not be celebrating with our usual bottles of beer and food, but we celebrate him in our hearts. Ricky is in a better place now, after he was taken from us by a freak accident. I remember Ricky as fun loving, cool, always ready to help as much as he can. I always remember him doing a dance number with his sister (our sister Weng Casipit) in one of our parties and they were really good dancers. Everyone was in awed watching them dance. That is how I always remember Ricky.

Tol, If you can see this HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I'll be drinking your share of the beer


(picture courtesy of Eric Cruz)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Greatest Advice

To make yourself happy, pursue your passions & be the best of what you can be.
Simplify your life. Take away the clutter.
Get rid of destructive elements: abusive friends, nasty habits, and dangerous liaisons.
Don’t abandon your responsibilities but don’t overdose on duty.
Don’t date because you are desperate.
Don’t marry because you are miserable.
Don’t have kids because you think your genes are superior.
Don’t philander because you think you are irresistible.
Don’t associate with people you can’t trust.
Don’t cheat.
Don’t lie.
Don’t pretend.
Don’t dictate because you are smarter.
Don’t demand because you are stronger.
Don’t sleep around because you think you are old enough & know better.
Don’t hurt your kids because loving them is harder.
Don’t sell yourself, your family, or your ideals.
Don’t stagnate!
Don’t regress.
Don’t live in the past. Time can’t bring anything or anyone back.
Don’t put your life on hold for possibly Mr. Right.
Don’t throw your life away on absolutely Mr. Wrong because your biological clock is ticking.
Learn a new skill.
Find a new friend.
Start a new career.
Sometimes, there is no race to be won, only a price to be paid for some of life’s more hasty decisions.
To terminate your loneliness, reach out to the homeless.
To feed your nurturing instincts, care for the needy.
To fulfill your parenting fantasies, get a puppy.
Don’t bring another life into this world for all the wrong reasons.
Don’t live life recklessly without thought and feeling for your family.
Be true to yourself.
Don’t commit when you are not ready.
Don’t keep others waiting needlessly.
Go on that trip. Don’t postpone it.
Say those words. Don’t let the moment pass.
Do what you have to, even at society’s scorn.
Write poetry.
Love Deeply.
Walk barefoot.
Dance with wild abandon.
Cry at the movies.
Take care of yourself. Don’t wait for someone to take care of you.
You light up your life.
You drive yourself to your destination.
No one completes you - except YOU.
It isn’t true that life does not get easier with age.
It only gets more challenging.
Don’t be afraid.
Don’t lose your capacity to love.
Pursue your passions.
Live your dreams.
Don’t lose faith in God.
Don’t grow old. Just grow YOU!
When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you’ll never get back.
Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give to someone is your time.
Relationships take time and effort, and the best way to spell love is T-I-M-E because the essence of love is not what we think or do or provide for others, but how much we give of ourselves.
God is good all the time!
by Rick Waren from The Purpose Driven Life