Monday, May 24, 2010

In Memoriam

In remembrance of the passing of Dr Molejon one of our best adviser.
We always remember

IN 2008 I got this message from Robin,

This is to inform you that one of our great adviser/professor Dr Florencio Molejon passed away. A memorial service was held May 23 at the Arlington Chapel in Araneta Avenue Quezon City. Robin

We mourn the passing of Dr Florecio A. Molejon, our mentor, professor, and friend. He is our adviser since the beginning of MEDICI OMNES DUCIENS. He is an avid supporter of MEDICUS since its inception by the founding members. Critical support was given by Dr Molejon during the time that MCU could not understand why there is a need for MEDICUS within the University. On this picture which was taken sometime between 1985 - 1986. He was with the active members of that time (Ne Plus Ultra and Esprit De Corps), a picture for posterity. He was on the extreme left and looking very young, just like the rest of the group. He may not have passed our ceremonies but Dr Molejon is a MEDICUS at heart, mind, and ways.

On the 2nd Foundation Anniversary of Medici Omnes Duciens, Dr Molejon is the only senior adviser.

He gave this message to MEDICUS on this occasion on September 1, 1984.

I wish to extend my greetings to the officers and members of the MEDICI OMNES DUCIENS on the occasion of its 2nd Foundation Anniversary.
It is indeed a great pleasure and privilege to be with the organization, believing that it is instrumental in fostering camaraderie among medical students and enhancing a healthy University atmosphere.
Towards the realization of our goal, a concerted effort among all members is needed and the organization to uphold its constitution and by-laws.
Florencio A. Molejon MD
Senior Adviser
agp 107

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