I went home ahead to Olongapo the following morning and told my parents that I will have some of my fraternal brothers visit us during the weekend. There will be probably 4 to 5 persons that will show up. My parents agreed to be the host and there was no problem where to stay, we were staying in our house. (The initial plan was to get a cottage by the beach and stay there for several days, probably with some other "friends". Always a good boy as I was, my dad totally disagreed, he wanted to see us all the time).
At around 8:00 PM someone knocks on the door and dogs started barkin. We went to see who it was. There were like 9 burly looking men standing at our door. Each one carrying a bag, my dad went back inside the house to get his gun, only to be told that they were my brods that we were waiting for.
We went out partying at Magsaysay Drive that night, we went bar hopping from Cal Jam to Zeppelin, Playboy Room to Airport Disco, Florida Rock House to Strawberry Fields and by the time we hit Sierra Rock House we were drunk. We retire at 3 to 4 am only to be waken up by a booming music of Money for Nothing by Direstraits.
We went to the beach that day. Loaded with lots of beer and food, we board our dilapidated International Harvester Scout I (the 1st SUV) and went on our way. On the way to the beach we almost careened off the cliff due to a slight brake malfunction, (we do not have one, I remember that I put break fluid in it, I just forgot to flush it), needless to say the hand break is not working either. Joel told me after, that his balls went up to his neck and Chris was getting ready to jump out of the window (Joel and Chris was sitting beside me and I'm driving). Due to my defensive driving and goodluck :) (driving at the edge of the cliff and playing tag with a bus, missing it by inches), we made it alive, and they swore never to let me drive again (they were usually forgetful after a couple of beers anyway).
At the beach, we ate, swim, and be on our merry ways. By 5 pm we have our last pitcher of beer and food was long gone. Joel saw the last pitcher of beer and drank the whole pitcher by himself, only to find out that there's a fly at the bottom of the pitcher (that's why no one touched it). He got drunk (due to the fly), and started doing tribal dance around Manny (apparently he thought Manny was about to be sacrificed to our anito). So we dump Joel into the water to cool him off, and put sand all over him to take the evil spirits out. Everyone was partially drunk (were not on all fours yet) and it was at this time that we have one of our most memorable picture (see below). We went home after sunset and prepared for the night. That night, we hit Magsaysay Drive again, and started bar hoping again till 2 am, by 3 am we were drunk and on our way home. Everyone was tired after 2 days of partying and decides to go home the following day.

Good things never last, but I will always remember it for the rest of my life.
a slide show was made with the pictures taken during that time. just click the active link you will also see it at our youtube player at the bottom of the blog.
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