It was like an after thought that this BLOG was made. We were already preparing to leave when discussion turned to our website which is about to disappear. It was suggested to look for a possible new MEDICUS website, because members decides not to renew with the current provider. I said why not a BLOG, it is free and we can tailor made it to our need. Cesar said that since it is my suggestion why not I made one. We have our own MEDICUS website based in the Philippines at that time. But some members think that it was too rigid and static. It is only serving us like a bulletin board not interactive. You can put your picture on your message and that's all, no streams, no videos, etc. It does not even save our messages but would be deleted after a while (i think based on a certain limit). The plan was to make this site our temporary one until we have our own website again.
I do not know how to do a blog then, but I surfed the Internet and inquired how. I got home before 12:00 midnight after dropping off Edwin to his house at that time. Fired up my laptop and by 12:40 am I have made the first BLOG. Due to the dizziness caused by wine and beer from the gathering at that time, that apparently was delayed by my metabolism. I totally forgot the sign in name and password, up to this time. The first BLOG that I made is still up and the first post was timed at 12:44 AM and the 2nd one was at 1:07 AM posted on November 5, 2007 (you can see it here). Right after the time that I cannot open the first BLOG that I did. I made a second one, this BLOG. One year later this temporary site is still ticking and is now a year old. The BLOG has evolve and is evolving, as parts were added to satisy our need and to see if it works for us. It now has a video part powered by youTube, a stream from Flickr, Gallery from smugmug, chatbox, shoutouts, logbook, link list, flash feeds and URL feeds. Each one contribute to what we perceived as our need. It serves as a publication and a hangout for members to reminisced old times and join others in celebrating the new. It introduced old members to new ones and to each others family and updated in our current situations and whereabouts.
With this site we found some of our brods and sis that have lost communication with the group for years (i was really surprised when vince wrote on our BLOG logbook). I personally become aware of some members through the existence of the BLOG. I've known and met some Brods and Sis that I could not possibly know. I also made connections with some brods and sis that I have lost communication with. Every time we found one member or made connection with one, I thought that the effort that was put into the site is worth every minute of it. Every time someone appreciate the existence of the BLOG in one way or another, I got the feeling that it is worth continuing. Our MEDICUS BLOG contribute to why there were more members that met each other this past reunion at Riverside, some were even out of state. I enjoyed making the site and maintaining it, though I need help. I need materials to post and information about the members, old news and current situations. For the reason that ideas do run out. I hope someone will provide that info like Mabel did.
All in all, it is a productive year for the BLOG. I hope it will continue, for it serves its purpose well. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEDICUS BLOG.
For the members who appreciate the BLOG,
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