This letter was sent to me and to Von by Johnel. That I now posted here. We have a brother in need of our help. It is up to each one of us to help as much as we can. There is an existing setup how we can help by sending funds to Johnel it is till up and running. Von still got the accounts that we have used before. Another round is needed to save our brothers life.
Dear Brods and Sis,
Update kita sa sakit ko. I was apparently improving from my LBM which is part of my graft versus host disease (GVHD). This GVHD can either be acute or chronic. Earlier my stool showed improved consistency and volume. Kaso nga lang few days before my discharge nag abdominal pains ako and my stool consistency became watery again. My attending doctors tried immunosuppressants and steroids but to no avail.
Now they are planning to give thymoglobulin. A very expensive treatment. Each vial costs 20K. I need 6 vials each dose based on my weight that is to be given for 4 doses translating to P480,000.00.
Again I am asking for help from our brothers and sister. Even just a little help para naman ma-stretch yung budget namin. Naka-confine ako for almost 7 weeks and you can imagine how much na ang nagagastos namin.
Thanks so much Johnel and Family
Dear Brods and Sis,
Update kita sa sakit ko. I was apparently improving from my LBM which is part of my graft versus host disease (GVHD). This GVHD can either be acute or chronic. Earlier my stool showed improved consistency and volume. Kaso nga lang few days before my discharge nag abdominal pains ako and my stool consistency became watery again. My attending doctors tried immunosuppressants and steroids but to no avail.
Now they are planning to give thymoglobulin. A very expensive treatment. Each vial costs 20K. I need 6 vials each dose based on my weight that is to be given for 4 doses translating to P480,000.00.
Again I am asking for help from our brothers and sister. Even just a little help para naman ma-stretch yung budget namin. Naka-confine ako for almost 7 weeks and you can imagine how much na ang nagagastos namin.
Thanks so much Johnel and Family
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