Shin Yong SUCK was a South Korean born in Seoul, Korea. He came to the Philippines and to MCU to study medicine, because it is too expensive for him to study medicine in his own country. Shin was very observant, he was always watching yet, he seldom talk or chit chat with anyone. Initially it was thought that he probably was a snob, no one approaches him for no one knows any other culture then, than ours. He was silent and was adamant to approach anyone, this was due to him having a hard time conversing fluently in English. He also admits that he does not have anyone that can be considered a friend at the time. When he saw that the majority of his classmates were joining Medicus he decides to join too, because he needs a friend. He got what he ask for and more, he got very unruly friends and brothers who always put a joke on each other. Shin was a victim of these jokes and he also gave some. Shin was the first foreigner to be inducted into Medicus, he had a hard time, but he stayed. He do not want to leave his batch mates, friends and eventually brothers. For Shin, the suffering and sacrifices is more than worth the brotherhood and friends that he got. I do not know where Shin is right now but I think he is doing fine and continued to pursue his goals and the goals of the brother hood that he left behind. Right after graduation Shin went back to Korea and we never heard from him since then. I still remember him saying to me in one of our heart to heart talk (during our drinking to death sessions, just right after wipping his face with the rug that we wiped the table with) " I love Medicus and I will die for you my brothers if needed" and he mean it. Shin is the first one who taught me how to eat kimchi, and he made it himself.
agp 107
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